
The strength of Practical Bug Bounty lies in the collective knowledge and contributions of its community. Here's how you can play a part in shaping this platform.

Contribute to the Platform

Enhance the platform's features, suggest improvements, or fix bugs. Dive into the code:

  1. Fork the main repository.
  2. Clone your fork and create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Submit a pull request to the main repository.
  4. Engage in the review process and see your contributions come to life!

Share Your Knowledge

Contribute tutorials, articles, or videos, and help expand our content repository:

  1. Visit the content repository.
  2. Follow our content guidelines and submit your contributions.
  3. Engage with the community as they review and provide feedback on your content.

Support & Feedback

Your feedback is invaluable. Share your thoughts, report issues, or provide suggestions to make Practical Bug Bounty better for everyone.